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St James

Primary School

Where children shoot for the stars and shine


Attendance Matters!


At St James we want to ensure our children are learning in the best way possible. Anything less than 100% attendance means that your child is missing out on their education. 90% attendance is the same as missing half a day each week, or one whole month a year off school! 

To do this we will be monitoring and supporting all attendance in a structured way and wanted to share with you how it will work:


Attendance Steps at St James


STAGE 1 - If your child’s attendance falls below 94%, or a pattern of time off can be seen, you will be sent a letter asking if support is needed and you will be advised that your child’s attendance is going to be monitored for the next four weeks for improvement.


STAGE 2 - If after four weeks there is no improvement a stage 2 attendance meeting will be held to discuss how we can support you in improving your child’s attendance. If your child’s attendance is below 90% our Education Welfare Officer will become involved and will attend this meeting. It may be suggested that you provide medical evidence for absence. Unauthorised absence will be looked at, at this point


STAGE 3 -If after four weeks improvement is not seen at stage 2 Education Welfare have the following legal powers to enforce school attendance orders, prosecution for irregular attendance or penalty notices. The Head of School will be involved at this point as well as the EWO.


Holidays in term time

Governors have agreed that no absences for holiday requests in term time, day visits or similar will be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances. However, you must still let school know if your child is going on holiday with the start and return dates. This will ensure the office doesn’t phone to check why your child is absent from school whilst you are away.


Fabulous attendance will also be recognised. We will be having half termly class rewards for the year group with the highest percentage and yearly 100% prizes. 


Pizza Party Anyone?



Good attendance is vital for learning and making friends at school. We are continuing ' Our Pizza party' scheme to motivate the children into coming into school every day. Every day counts…..


As well as celebrating the class with the highest attendance on the newsletter the children will win a slice of pizza to put on the pizza display in the hall.  The class to gain the highest number of pizza slices by the final week of each half term will have a free party’.


St James’ Pizza Parties consist of:

  • Free food goodies for each child in the class.
  • Some free time and reward time to celebrate having the highest attendance for the half term.