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St James

Primary School

Where children shoot for the stars and shine


                                to Reception

Welcome back to school! I hope you had a lovely half term. We will have lots of exciting learning in Reception over the next few weeks. 


In the second half of the term our topics will be Houses/Houses, Plants and Life Cycles. We will be reading and writing about the stories : The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalks and Chicken Licken. 


In Maths we will be learning about adding, subtraction, number bonds to 10, doubling and sequencing time.


In our Creative Area we will be painting chicks using sponges, creating a Easter card, planting seeds, investigating Spring and learning about the lifecycle of a chick.


In R.E we will sequence the Creation story and learn about  worship in churches, mosques and synagogues .


In Music we will learn about pitch, making up new lyrics and sing and play melodies. We will listen to music by Rimsky-Korsakov and Vaughan Williams. 


In our Circle Time we will discuss charities and how we can help others. We will learn and discuss which countries have people who do not have enough food to eat and why. We will also learn and talk about the Royal family, forest fires and endangered animals. 


We are going to have so much fun in our learning!


Mrs Walker, Miss Tonks, Miss Hayes and Miss Allmark

The Reception Team
