Each child will be given their own book bag. This book bag needs to in school EVERYDAY.
The book bag will contain their books, reading record and any school letters. At St James we aim for each child to have a love of books and reading. We will be encouraging children to read each day in school. To support your child's reading at home, we ask that they read to an adult at home, 3 or more times a week. We ask that you record each time they read in their reading record to enable them to work towards and achieve their rainbow reading badges. We will check their reading records each week to ensure these targets are being met.
In their book bag you will find suggestions of questions you can ask your child while they are reading, this will help your child to think carefully about the book they are reading. When a book is completed there is a short online test for your child to take. We will record their score when each time they complete it, this helps us to check their understanding of each book they read. We will then help them to find a new wonderful book to read.
We will be including all usernames and passwords in their reading records.
TT Rockstars
This is a fantastic way for the children to learn and practice timestables. Children in Year 4 will complete a national timetable test later in the year so it is so important that they are confident in recalling these facts. Knowing their timestables will help them to be more confident in all areas of their maths lessons too.
Other homework
The children will also have a homework book that they will complete other honework tasks in. This will be a piece of English or Maths work that links closely to what they have been learning that week. Please make sure that your child has a quiet place they can work at home and that they bring their homework in on the day set.
Thank you for your support in this.
Mrs Shaw
Homework project Autumn term
Week beginning 18.9.23