Friday 17th December Newsletter
We appreciate that for one reason or another, people’s internet usage can change over the Christmas break.
Some of you might be lucky enough to get a new device, or with more time at home you may get an opportunity to play your favourite game more or watch more of your favourite You Tuber.
Therefore, for our final E-safety top tip of the year, we thought it would be best to pull together all the information that has been shared with you over this Half Term as some of them may become more relevant to you over Christmas.
For example, if you do get a new device, you can return to this newsletter to find the “how to set up parent controls” link below. Or if you believe your child will be online more, you can find the link below where we shared the ChildNet Be SMART rules for discussing with your child.
Finally, should you have any concerns about what your child experiences on the internet, please follow the below link to a trusted site explaining your options for reporting any online concerns such as cyberbullying, inappropriate content or illegal behaviour.
We hope you have a very merry, and safe, Christmas online!