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St James

Primary School

Where children shoot for the stars and shine

Who's Who

Meet the St James Team


Member of Staff


Member of Staff


Mrs J Wilson


Executive Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs C MacInnes

Head of School

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Behaviour Lead

PPG, Interventions and Assessment Lead

English Lead

Phonics lead (RWI)

PE Lead


Mrs S Lines

Deputy Head of School/SENDCo

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Science Lead 

Outdoor Learning Lead

Miss C Phillips

Executive Business Manager



Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs A HackettOffice Administrator 

Miss K Gallagher

ELSA Lead / Wellbeing Mentor

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Allsopp


Nursery Teacher

Geography Lead


EYFS PPG Champion / Advocate

Mrs M Walker

Reception Teacher

EYFS Phase Leader

EYFS Reading and Library Promoter

Computing and Online Safety Lead


Miss A Hopwood


Y1 Teacher

Mrs K Daren

Y1 and Y3 Teacher

RE Lead

KS1 Interventions Lead

KS1 PPG Champion / Advocate


Mrs E Garner

Y2 Teacher

Maths Lead

Phase leader 

Miss A Burrows 

Y3 Teacher



Mrs N Shaw


Y4 Teacher

KS2 Phase Leader

Music Lead

Art and Design Lead

Library Lead

Miss E Bandegiati

Y5 Teacher

History Lead

Geography Lead

Pupil Responsibilities Lead

Mrs T McHenry

Y6 Teacher




Mr O Coates

Mr A Rogers

PE Apprentice

Miss T Moore


Miss K Allmark

EYFS Apprentice

Miss H Tonks

EYFS Apprentice

Miss K Hayes


Teaching Assistant

Mrs H Godridge

Specialist Provision Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Bryan

Teaching Assistant

Mrs A Davies

Teaching Assistant

Mrs L Hodson

Teaching Assistant

Mrs S Merrell

Teaching Assistant

Mrs M Price

Teaching Assistant

Miss S Hill


Teaching Assistant

Miss S Humphreys


Miss C Markey


General School Assistant

Mrs N Silva



Miss J Hayes

General School Assistant

Lunchtime Supervisor

Mr D Shaw

Site Manager

Mrs C Ismay

Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs B Shrigley

Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs M Plant

Lunchtime Supervisor

Mrs B Lakin

Lunchtime Supervisor
