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St James

Primary School

Where children shoot for the stars and shine

Governors and Local School Committee



We have an Executive Governor Board, who are drawn from both within the federation schools and also externally to provide the challenge, strategic view and experience that we need to continue to succeed. 

The Governing Board has overall responsibility and accountability for all of our schools and leads on delivering the Lighthouse Federation vision.

It is the responsibility of the board to undertake the due diligence of any school wishing to join the federation and to support leaders at all levels in driving forward with improvement. 

In line with the Department for Education's Federation Guidance, The Lighthouse Federation Governing Board is made up of 24 members and are composed of:

  • 1 Chief Operating Officer   
  • 7 Headteachers (Including Executive Headteachers)                                                                   
  • 1 Local Authority Governor 
  • 2 Parent Governors 
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 13 Co-opted Governors 
  • 9 places are allocated to Chairs of School Committees 
  • 3 places are allocated based on the skill requirements of the Executive Board.

The Lighthouse Federation Governors are listed in the document below:

The Lighthouse Federation Governors are listed in the document below:

What is the role of our local school committee?


The local school committee should:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Operate in such a way that statutory duties are met and priorities are approved
  • Provide challenge and hold the Executive Headteacher and senior leadership team to account for improving the quality of teaching, pupils’ achievement, behaviour and safety
  • Use performance management systems across all elements of the school to improve leadership, teaching and management
  • Support and strengthen the school leadership
  • Contribute to the school’s self evaluation and understand its strengths and weaknesses
  • Engage with the wider community
  • Ensure a sound financial approach exists and is managed effectively
  • Use the pupil premium and other sources to overcome barriers to learning including reading, writing and mathematics.


The local school committee are required by law to act with integrity, objectivity and in the best interests of the school at all times.


How to contact our local school committee


If you wish to contact the local school committee, please make your request through the school office. A member of the committee will be get back to you as soon as possible.

Local School Committee Member




Mr A Hicken


Chair of Federation Executive Board

Mr N Brown

Chair of Local School Committee


Mrs J WilsonExecutive Headteacher  

Mrs C MacInnes

Head of School 

Mrs S LinesDeputy Head of School  
Mrs L HodsonAssociate member




Mrs E Wanglin

Federation member with responsibility for SEND and PPG



Mr P FarmerGovernor  
Mrs S Taylor-Janes

Co-opted member with responsibility for safeguarding

(Associate member)





Miss G HodsonAssociate member


















