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St James

Primary School

Where children shoot for the stars and shine


Home Learning Project


In geography this term the children will be learning about extreme weather conditions, eg, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes etc.

For our home learning project this half term, I would like them to create a warning poster of a chosen extreme weather. They can present this poster in any way they choose using felts, colouring pencils or collage materials, or may decide to do it on the computer. They could even make it 3D if they want to!

If the children need any paper I will give them some to take home. I would like the posters to be completed by Monday 11th November and these will be displayed outside our classroom.

Below are just a couple of ideas but I will be talking to the children this week about what they could do. Please get involved with your child on this project and have fun. There will be gold coins awarded for children completing them.
