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St James

Primary School

Where children shoot for the stars and shine

Uniform Information

Our school colours are royal blue and yellow.  Please send children to school in the correct school uniform.  




  • Long or short grey trousers.
  • Grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (This does not have to have the St James logo)
  • Light blue shirt (Nursery and Reception light blue polo shirt)
  • School tie (Nursery and Reception no tie)




  • Short/long grey trousers.
  • Blue/white gingham or striped dress or grey skirt, light blue blouse,
  • Light blue Shirt, (Nursery and Reception light blue polo shirt)
  • Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (This does not have to have the St James logo)
  • School Tie (Nursery and Reception no tie)


The above uniform can be purchased from any large supermarket or retailer such as Asda, Tesco, Morisons, Sainsburys , etc...


PE Kit  


White T-shirt or vest , Black shorts & Black PE pumps or trainers – all in a PE bag.


Black jogging bottoms and sweatshirt can be worn during the colder months when PE is outdoors.




Swimming costume or trunks, swimming hat, towel and a comb or hair brush, preferably stored in a waterproof bag.


Please mark clothes clearly with your child’s name.  It is very easy for children’s clothing to become muddled, causing distress to the child and anxiety to parents and teachers.


Bags – Please use only drawstring pump bags – NOT backpacks as space is limited in the locker area.


Jewellery – We advise NO jewellery to be worn in school.  If a child has pierced ears then plain studs should be worn – but removed before PE/swimming, in accordance with LEA regulations.  Please check with your child’s class teacher for swimming/PE days.


Pencil cases – Children may bring a pencil case to school containing pencil, ruler, pencil crayons, etc.


If you choose too, you can purchase St James branded uniform it can be purchased from A&J Designs Ltd



A&J Designs Ltd - Uniform Supplier

Preloved Uniform


If any parents/carers do have difficulties St James Primary have a Pre-loved Uniform service where donated uniform is given out to parents in need. If parents/carers need support with uniform they can email or speak to any member of the senior leadership team.
