SENDCo - Mrs Sarah Lines
SEND Link Governor - Mrs Emma Wanglin
Phone Number – 01543 452328
St James is a very inclusive school that provides the support for all children to thrive and develop as individuals. We take our responsibilities of equality very seriously and work hard to ensure that everybody connected to the school is made to feel welcome and provided with the resources and support to enable them to enjoy and feel fully involved in the St James family.
Here at St James it is our priority to ensure children become independent learners and achieve their full potential in life. We provide the children opportunities to say how they feel and that they listened to and are respected. The voice of the child and parent is at the heart of everything we do!
There are many ways to contact us. They are:
- Telephone myself at school on 01543 452328
- Email:
- Class Dojo
- Facebook messenger
Please use the link below to access the Local Offer in our area:
Speak Soon
Mrs Lines
To view the following policies please use the link below:
- Accessibility Policy
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Inclusion Policy
- Intimate Care Policy
- Medical Conditions Policy
- SEND Information Report
- SEN Policy
Admission Arrangements
The admission arrangements for the school treat all children exactly the same. They are administered in accordance with the guidance set out in the School’s Admission Arrangements published by the Authority. A copy of the Admission Arrangements is available from Education Walsall.
Fore more information read the Inclusion Policy and Admissions Policy.