How to support your child's leanring
Please take the time to click on the links below. This will take you to the parent section of the Ruth Miskin website and the You Tube page. Here you will find lots of information to help you understand how we teach your children to read and write in their daily Read Write Inc (RWI) lessons.
Parent RWI Meeting September 2023
Other Information
Parent workshops
Each half term we offer a session where you can come into school to support your child’s learning with a specific learning focus. You will get the opportunity to meet with the EY leader who will talk about how to support your child at home. You will then have time to complete some activities with your child, similar to ones we do in school.
Home Learning
Parents participating and actively being involved in early years can have a significant impact on improving children’s learning and supporting their needs. Each week a home learning project will be sent home, we encourage you to do them with your child and return the completed sheet to school.
1000 Stories Project
Every day you can borrow a book to read to your child at bedtime. Having conversations around stories daily is important to your child’s language development. We encourage you to read to your child as much as possible to develop their language and imagination.
Word of the week
Each week there will be a new word added to extend your child’s vocabulary. Encourage your child to say the word and use it in a sentence.
Parents Evening
Each term you can make an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher to discuss your child’s learning and progress. During this meeting the teacher will talk about what your child can do and how you can support them at home with their learning
Maths Websites
Here are some useful website links:
Maths Number blocks